Undergraduate Teaching 2016-17

Part IIA start of year course information

Part IIA start of year course information

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Introduction to Part II

Wednesday 5 October 2016 11.00-11.30 LT2

Part II Engineering is very different from Part I.  This short session will alert you to some of the changes you will encounter in course style, content and standards, and show you where to find guidance.

Topics covered:

  • Expectations and standards
  • Assessment; examinations
  • Choosing modules
  • Engineering Areas
  • How do modules work?
  • Supervisions
  • Coursework: Labs, Extension Activities, Projects
  • Writing reports
  • Writing essays

Part II careers talk

A 30 minute briefing entitled ‘the Careers Service - what can it do for you?’ will be held at 11.30 am on Wednesday 5 October in LT2 by Dr Harding of the Careers Service. All Part II students and staff are welcome to attend.

During Michaelmas, the Service has organised a range of careers information events and there will be evening presentations from approximately 160 organisations. Students should register with the Service. The careers information email service, CLICK, enables students to receive a weekly diary of events plus specific information on various employment/further study options. An email vacancy list for engineers can be accessed via CLICK.

Module choices, administration & supervision

Please read the detailed information on the Part IIA modules.

You are reminded that you must confirm your choices for Michaelmas Term modules by midnight on Wednesday of week 1.


Please read carefully:

You are advised to book first for the Extension Activity (which run at fixed times in Michaelmas or Lent Terms) and then to book in for the experiments associated with each of your modules (including signing-up sessions).  If at all possible, avoid clashes between sessions for having experiments signed up and sessions for undertaking experiments.

You are reminded to keep safe all your Part IIA coursework as it must be submitted for scrutiny by the examiners at the end of the Easter Term.

NB. the default hand-in time for all coursework is 4pm on the given date.


Examples papers & solutions

In contrast to Part I, neither the Teaching Office nor the Departmental Library handle Part IIA examples papers or their solutions. The lecturers for each module are responsible for the printing and issue of their examples papers, and for the storage of any spare copies. The lecturers will decide whether solutions will be made available to students in the designated area for their Subject Group.

All inquiries should be made directly to the module leader or lecturers.

IIA Projects

During the Easter term following the IIA examinations, all Part IIA students undertake 2 projects  (with a few having preparatory sessions during the Lent Term).  Allocation of these projects will be made at the end of the Michaelmas Term.  Some projects have pre-requisite modules and will assume certain background knowledge. You should therefore give some thought to your likely preferences for projects before finalising your choice of Michaelmas modules on COMET.  Full details of the IIA projects, including descriptions and key dates, may be found in the IIA Project Guide.

Essay writing skills

Monday 17 October 2016, 1-2pm, LR1 with Dr Matthew Jones and Niamh Tumelty.

This one-hour session is aimed at students taking qualitative 3E modules who would like guidance on how to structure, write and present reports or essays in that context.

Open to all IIA students.

Course material on Moodle

Most courses in the department have a page on the University's Virtual Learning Environment Moodle.

These pages are maintained by course lecturers. Students registered to these courses are automatically enrolled at the start of the course and can engage in the course activities, including coursework submission when appropriate.

Other members of the University, staff or students, can self-enroll as observer and gain access to handouts and other documents made available to the students by the lecturers. This access is provided to students so that they can make an informed decision regarding their course selection. There might be copyright restrictions to the course material; any use of the course content that is not related to students education is not allowed. The material should not be redistributed by the students in any circumstances.

A key is needed to self-enroll on any course. By using this key, you indicate that you agree with the condition above.

Enrolment key: cued_moodle_access

NB. If you wish to unenrol yourself from a page that you have enrolled yourself on, please look for the Administration block within the course (usually lower down the page on the left) and click 'unenrol me'.

Last updated on 29/09/2016 11:27