Undergraduate Teaching 2016-17

Part IIA modules

Part IIA modules

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Most Part IIA modules (preceded by numeral 3) have 16 lectures and 3 hours of small-group supervisions completed in one term (either Michaelmas or Lent). These are examined by an written paper of 1.5 hour duration held early in the Easter term. However, some group A courses are double modules that run throughout both the Michaelmas and Lent terms and are each examined by a 3 hour written paper.

The Faculty Board publishes in May a list of the Part IIA modules that will run the following academic year .

Part II modules are grouped according to the CUED Subject Group offering them and are subdivided into sets (spread evenly across Michaelmas and Lent terms). The lectures for modules in each set are examined at the same time, and you are not permitted to choose more than one module from any one set (even if the lectures do not clash).  You should discuss module choices with your Director of Studies.


Please refer to the guidance on Engineering Areas for advice on module choices.  The main rules are that:

  • you must choose ten modules from Groups A-G, M and S, and Group I (if offered);
  • five must be in the Michaelmas term and five must be in the Lent term;
  • if you wish to qualify in an engineering area, you must follow the specific rules on module choices for that area;
  • no student may include more than two modules from the combination of Groups I and S in his/her total.*
  • students may take up to two management modules. Management includes all 3EX modules, and related shared modules offered in some years by other subject groups (e.g. 4D16 Construction & Management).

There are also conditions specific to professional institutions accreditation.

*Group S are Part IIB modules (thus preceded by numeral 4) available to Part IIA students. There are no supervisions or separate coursework for fourth-year modules. Group I modules are modules imported from courses within Engineering or from other departments

Selection on COMET

You can update your provisional module selection at the start of each of the Michaelmas and Lent terms, and will be contacted by email with a reminder to log on to COMET to confirm or change your provisional choices.

You should attend the first lecture of any module of interest to gain an overview of its content and structure.

Your selection must be finalised each term by midnight on the Wednesday of week one. Shortly after each deadline, you will confirm your selection for that term as a binding exam entry that may not subsequently be changed or discounted.

COMET will check that your selection is valid and will notify you if your module choices do not fit into your chosen engineering area. If this is the case, you must revise your selection.


Each course has a module leader and a lab leader (sometimes, but not always, the same person). Any queries regarding lab experiments, lab handouts or coursework should be addressed directly to the lab leader. Any queries regarding lecture notes, examples papers and supervisions should be addressed directly to the module leader.

Contact information for module leaders and lab leaders is available on the syllabus page,


Module leaders will appoint supervisors and notify you of their details soon after COMET closes. The number of supervisions to be given for each Part IIA module is usually four, comprising three (one hour) supervisions in the term of the module plus a later ‘revision’ supervision. Any additional supervision must be authorised in advance by your Director of Studies.

Any major problems with regard to supervisions should be brought to the immediate attention of your DoS, even after the first supervision. You may also use the dedicated, anonymous fast feedback facility for Part IIA supervisions.

Last updated on 01/05/2017 14:23