Undergraduate Teaching 2016-17

Part IIA syllabuses; links to on-line resources

Part IIA syllabuses; links to on-line resources

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Interactive booklists for Part IIA are available on Moodle.

Please note there are no Full Technical Reports associated with the following modules: 3B4, 3C7, all of the 3E modules, only one lab from 3F2, 3G1 and 3M1.  Full details are given in the coursework section of the syllabus page.

Group A: Energy, Fluid Mechanics and Turbomachinery

Module Term (set) Prerequisites On-line resources Leader Lab Leader
Code Title (linked to syllabus) Assumed
3A1 Fluid mechanics I (double module) M(8), L(7)   Moodle Dr A. Agarwal Prof. G. Hunt
Dr A. Agarwal
3A3 Fluid mechanics II (double module) M(1), L(1)   Moodle Prof. R.S. Cant Prof R.S. Cant
Prof R. Miller
3A5 Thermodynamics and power generation M(7)   Moodle Dr G.Pullan Dr A.J. White
3A6 Heat and mass transfer L(3)   Moodle Prof. S. Hochgreb Prof. S. Hochgreb


Group B: Electrical Engineering

Module Term (set) Prerequisites On-line resources Leader Lab Leader
Code Title (linked to syllabus) Assumed
3B1 Radio frequency electronics M(3)   Moodle Dr M.J. Crisp Dr M.J. Crisp
3B2 Integrated digital electronics L(3)   Moodle Prof. F. Udrea Dr D. Holburn
3B3 Switch-mode electronics M(2)   Moodle Prof G. Amaratunga Dr P. Palmer
3B4 Electric drive systems L(2)   Moodle Dr T. Flack Dr T. Coombs
3B5 Semiconductor engineering M(11)   Moodle Dr H.J. Joyce Prof S. Hofmann
3B6 Photonic technology L(7)   Moodle Prof I.H. White Prof. R. Penty


Group C: Mechanics, Materials and Design

Module Term (set) Prerequisites On-line resources Leader Lab Leader
Code Title (linked to syllabus) Assumed
3C1 Materials processing and design M(5)   Moodle Dr H. Shercliff Dr J. Durrell
3C5 Dynamics M(6)   Moodle Prof R.S. Langley Prof J. Woodhouse
3C6 Vibration L(6) 3C5 useful Moodle Prof D. Cebon Dr T. Butlin
3C7 Mechanics of solids M(4)   Moodle Prof. V. Deshpande Prof. V. Deshpande
3C8 Machine design M(3)   Moodle Dr D. Cole Dr D. Cole
3C9 Fracture mechanics of materials and structures L(5) 3C7 assumed Moodle Prof. V. Deshpande Dr G.R. McShane


Group D: Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering

Module Term (set) Prerequisites On-line resources Leader Lab Leader
Code Title (linked to syllabus) Assumed
3D1 Geotechnical engineering I M(1)     Dr G. Biscontin Dr G. Biscontin
3D2 Geotechnical engineering II L(1) 3D1 Moodle Dr S.K. Haigh Dr S.K. Haigh
3D3 Structural materials and design M(2)   Moodle Dr M. Overend Dr C. Morley
3D4 Structural analysis and stability L(2)   Moodle Dr C.J. Burgoyne Prof S.D. Guest
3D5 Water engineering M(11)   Moodle Dr D. Liang Dr D. Liang
3D7 Finite element methods L(4)   Moodle Dr J Li Dr J Li
3D8 Building physics and environmental geotechnics M(3)   Moodle Prof G. Madabhushi Prof  G. Madabhushi


Group E: Management and Manufacturing

Module Term (set) Prerequisites On-line resources Leader Lab Leader
Code Title (linked to syllabus) Assumed
3E1 Business economics L(9)   Moodle Dr K. Soufani Dr K. Soufani
3E2 Marketing M(10)   Moodle Dr V. Mak Dr V. Mak
3E3 Modelling Risk M(9)   Moodle Dr F. Erhun-Oguz Dr R. Zanjirani-Farahani
3E5 Human resource management M(10)   Moodle Dr A. Richter Dr A. Richter
3E6 Organisational behaviour L(10)   Moodle Dr A. Richter Mr R. Wiedner
3E10 Operations management for engineers L(9)   Moodle Dr F Erhan-Oguz Dr R McKenzie


Group F: Information Engineering

Module Term (set) Prerequisites On-line resources Leader Lab Leader
Code Title (linked to syllabus) Assumed
3F1 Signals and systems M(4)   Moodle Dr F. Forni Prof. M.C. Smith
3F2 Systems and control L(5)   Moodle Dr G. Vinnicombe Dr T Hughes
3F3 Statistical Signal Processing M(1) 3F1


Prof. S. Godsill Prof. S. Godsill
3F4 Data transmission L(6) 3F1 Moodle Prof N Kingsbury Prof N Kingsbury
3F7 Information Theory and Coding M(5)   Moodle Dr R. Venkataramanan Dr J. Sayir
3F8 Inference L(4) 3F3 Moodle Dr R. Turner Dr R. Turner


Group G: Bioengineering

Module Term (set) Prerequisites On-line resources Leader Lab Leader
Code Title (linked to syllabus) Assumed
3G1 Introduction to molecular bioengineering M(7)   Moodle Dr G. Micklem Dr G. Micklem
3G2 Mathematical physiology L(3)   Moodle Dr A. Kabla Dr A. Kabla
3G3 Introduction to neuroscience L(2)   Moodle Dr G. Hennequin Dr G. Hennequin
3G4 Medical imaging and 3D computer graphics L(11)   Moodle Dr G.M. Treece Dr G.M. Treece
3G5 Biomaterials M(9)   Moodle Dr A E Markaki Dr M. Oyen


Group M: Multidisciplinary Modules

Module Term (set) Prerequisites On-line resources Leader Lab Leader
Code Title (linked to syllabus) Assumed
3M1 Mathematical methods L(10)   Moodle Dr G. Parks Dr G. Parks


Group S: Modules Shared with Part IIB

Note that these modules do not have supervisions, or any IIA coursework associated with them.

4M16 is a prerequisite for further nuclear power courses in part IIB.  It is recommended that those who wish to take further nuclear power courses in part IIB should take 4M16 as part of IIA.

4D16 is offered every other year, and will not be available in IIB in 2015-16.

Module Term (set) Form of assessment Prerequisites On-line resources Leader
Code Title (linked to syllabus) Assumed Useful
4C4 Design methods M(11) Exam       Dr J. Cullen

Pre-stressed Concrete (not running 2016-17)

L(11) Exam     Moodle Prof C Burgoyne
4D16 Construction management (reintroduced 2016-17) M(8) Exam     Moodle Dr I. Brilakis
4M12 Partial differential equations and variational methods L(11) Exam     Moodle Prof. P. Davidson
4M16 Nuclear power engineering L(11) Exam     Moodle Dr G. Parks


Last updated on 09/06/2017 12:52