Undergraduate Teaching 2016-17

MET Teaching Office Information

MET Teaching Office Information

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MET Part IIB project, coursework & exam credit - http://teaching.eng.cam.ac.uk/content/met-part-iib-project-coursework-ex...

MET Part IIA project, coursework & exam credit - http://teaching.eng.cam.ac.uk/content/met-part-iia-project-coursework-ex...

MET Part IIB Examiners and Assessors: Faculty Board Guidelines - http://teaching.eng.cam.ac.uk/content/met-part-iib-examiners-and-assesso...

MET Part IIA Examiners and Assessors: Faculty Board Guidelines - http://teaching.eng.cam.ac.uk/content/met-part-iia-examiners-and-assesso...


Part II MET aims & objectives

Part II of the Manufacturing Engineering Tripos (MET) is an alternative to Part II of the Engineering Tripos.

Teaching aims

Students taking MET:

  • specialise in manufacturing engineering and management;
  • develop an informed and integrated view of industrial activity, including its human, organisational, marketing and financial aspects;
  • acquire up-to-date knowledge of the technologies associated with manufacturing;
  • develop creativity, synthesis and design skills, and the ability to design in the manufacturing context;
  • develop the ability to analyse manufacturing processes and to solve problems;
  • continue to develop communication, teamwork, management and leadership skills;
  • develop the facility for independent learning, open-mindedness, and the spirit of critical enquiry;
  • develop the ability to tackle unforeseen technical and management demands and to apply new technologies in novel situations with confidence and competence;
  • develop their full potential as innovators and future leaders in industry.

General objectives

At the end of MET courses undergraduates should:

  • by means of lecture courses, associated course requirements, examples papers and appropriate reading have gained an understanding in depth of manufacturing technology and management;
  • by means of team projects have developed cooperative, management and communication skills as well as practical professional knowledge;
  • by means of a major project in marketing, design, manufacture and business have developed creativity, innovation and a capacity for independent learning and enquiry and an awareness of the business context of engineering and manufacture;
  • by means of individual and team projects in industrial companies have developed expertise in the analysis, design and operation of manufacturing systems in their industrial context.

Progress is measured and promulgated by the same means as for Part I of the Engineering Tripos.

Detailed objectives for each element of the course are given with the syllabuses for each series of lectures and with the instruction sheets for coursework.

Industrial experience requirements


The Tripos regulations state that: ‘to obtain honours in Part IB of the Engineering Tripos a candidate must satisfy the Examiners that he or she has such workshop or equivalent experience as shall be determined by the Faculty Board of Engineering, and to obtain honours in Part IIA of the Engineering Tripos or the Manufacturing Engineering Tripos, a candidate must satisfy the Examiners that he or she has such industrial or equivalent experience as shall be determined by the Faculty Board’.

The Faculty Board have approved the following requirements:

Requirements for students who joined the Department in October 2015 or earlier

  • Part IB of the Engineering Tripos: four weeks of relevant industrial experience [by the end of the second year];
  • Part IIA of the Engineering or Manufacturing Engineering Triposes: four additional weeks of relevant industrial experience or, for a student who has not been a candidate for Part IB of the Engineering Tripos, four weeks of relevant industrial experience [by the end of the third year].

Requirements for students who joined the Department in October 2016 or thereafter

  • The Faculty Board of Engineering have agreed that students who join the Department in October 2016 or thereafter should be required to complete a minimum of six weeks of relevant industrial experience by the end of Part IIA of the Engineering or Manufacturing Engineering Triposes [by the end of the third year].

Definition of relevant industrial experience

Relevant industrial experience is defined as work of a technical nature that is related to the subjects studied in the Engineering Tripos and the Manufacturing Engineering Tripos.  It may involve design, development, testing, manufacturing, construction or research work, and should include interaction with the work of others who are likely to be professionally qualified.

Although students do not have to undertake any industrial experience before starting the course, it may be possible to count time spent working between school and university towards this requirement.

Any dispute concerning the interpretation of these requirements will be determined by appeal to the Head of the Department of Engineering, whose decision will be final.


CUED has an Industrial Placements Coordinator, who advises students and employers on matters relating to industrial experience and assists ‘deferred entrants’ and undergraduate Engineering students to find suitable work experience and meet the course requirements. the Industrial Placements Coordinator holds a comprehensive database of suitable companies which may be accessed at any time in working hours and will supply a CUED pro-forma log book on request so that the industrial experience can be recorded effectively. You can also find information on the Industrial Placement website.

The Industrial Placements office is on the Office Floor, North Wing of the Main Baker Building, Room BNO-41, tel 01223 332778.   Further information is online at to.eng.cam.ac.uk/teaching/indexp/.


Confirmation is required from an authorised officer of the company or institution that the industrial experience has been obtained.  This should preferably be in the form of a signed log book, though a letter from the company would suffice.  This written confirmation of the work should be presented by the student to the Industrial Placements Coordinator.

Progression requirements

An honours result (at class I, II.1, II.2 or III) in the exam at the end of Part IIA qualifies a student for the BA (Hons) degree. To qualify for the MEng degree, a student must be successful in the Part IIB exam at either pass, merit or distinction standard.

Standard for entry to Part IB

In order to be of standing to take Part IB Engineering, students will be required to have obtained honours in Part IA of the course.

Incomers to Part IIA

A student who wishes to be considered for transfer to Part IIA Engineering will normally be expected to have achieved a II.1 or better in his or her last honours examination.  The Faculty Board has agreed that the Director of Undergraduate Education must endorse all requests for transfers into the Engineering Tripos before it will consider the applications.

Standard for entry to Part IIB

The Faculty Board’s regulations state that students must normally achieve at least a II.2 in either Part IB or Part IIA (and achieve Honours in Part IIA) in order to be of standing to take Part IIB of either the Engineering or the Manufacturing Engineering Triposes.

In order to be of standing to take Part IIB Engineering, students must have taken Part IIA Engineering.

Students are warned that proceeding to the BA degree after completing Part IIA of either the Engineering or Manufacturing Engineering Triposes would preclude them from continuing with either Tripos and from being awarded the M.Eng. degree.  

Any student who does not plan to stay for Part IIB is asked to let the Teaching Office know.

Rearranging coursework & allowances: general rules


The Faculty Board of Engineering has issued the following guidelines about the circumstances under which coursework activities may be rearranged or allowances granted. The Head of Department delegates all the responsibilities mentioned in this document to the Director of Undergraduate Education. All forms are processed via the Teaching Office.

In Parts IA and IB students' coursework assignments are set by the lab rotas issued by the Teaching Office. In Parts IIA and IIB students are to a great extent responsible for setting their own coursework timetables by signing up for lab experiments etc. associated with the modules they are doing.

Main rules

  1. Students should make all reasonable efforts to complete any missed exercises at a later date and so must first try and make rearrangements with the lab leader.
  2. Applications should be made at the time rearrangement proves not to be possible, and at latest by the end of the relevant term.
  3. Any application for an allowance must be made on the standard form. This form must be completed in full by both student and Tutor. The Tutor may be required to submit supporting medical evidence (e.g. if the period affected is over 7 days).
  4. Forms should be submitted as soon as it is clear that an allowance may be required.  No forms will be accepted after the deadlines.
  5. A total allowance of more than four weeks coursework will not normally be given, in any year.

Types of allowance

The granting of an allowance implies either:

  1. an extension of the scheduled period for completion and submission of an activity (applicable to both standard credit and positive credit activities); or
  2. the allocation of a number of marks for the activity missed, if it proves impossible to rearrange or catch up the activity. For standard credit activities, the mark allocated will normally be the qualifying mark for the activity. For positive credit exercises, any mark allocated will depend upon the student's performance in related assessed activities.

In all cases, the Director of Undergraduate Education will consider the allowance form submitted by the student and Tutor, and decide upon the type and extent of any allowance to be made. These are incorporated in the final coursework marks sent to the Chairmen of Examiners. The Teaching Office will notify the Tutor and the student of the outcome of any application.

Allowances for individual activities are described in more detail for each Part:

Reasons for arranging coursework

Reasons for seeking to rearrange course work fall into one of the following five categories:


Educationally it is always preferable to rearrange coursework missed through illness, and this should be attempted wherever practicable. If rearrangement is not possible, then students should apply for the appropriate allowance.

‘Illness’ is defined as any illness, injury or other grave cause which, in the opinion of both the student's tutor and the Director of Undergraduate Education, prevents the student from completing their scheduled coursework activities on time, or in some cases at all. 

Compassionate or religious grounds

Students will, wherever practicable, be allowed to rearrange coursework on compassionate or religious grounds (for instance, to enable them to attend a funeral, or because the coursework is scheduled on the day of a religious festival). The student concerned should try to rearrange the coursework in advance. If rearrangement proves impossible, then an application for an allowance may be made with the support of the student's tutor.


When applying for jobs, work placements or sponsorship, students may be invited for interview on days that conflict with coursework activities. Students should in the first instance seek to rearrange the interview rather than the coursework. If this proves impossible, then the student should try to rearrange the coursework. Allowances are not normally given for coursework missed through interviews.

Sporting commitments

Coursework may not be rearranged to accommodate College sporting commitments. Students will, wherever practicable, be allowed to rearrange coursework that conflicts with University sporting competitions (i.e. representing the University of Cambridge in a competitive event) but not for training sessions.

NB. Allowances are not normally available if such rearrangement is possible.

Other reasons

If a student wishes to seek to rearrange coursework for any reason not covered by the four categories above, they should discuss the matter with the Director of Undergraduate Education.

How to rearrange coursework

Part I coursework

For Part I coursework (including sign-up sessions) students should identify an appropriate replacement slot in the timetable, in discussion with the appropriate chief technician, and then clear this with the lab leader in charge of the activity.

Contact details of lab technicians are available online: IA, IB.


Part II coursework

For Part II coursework, students should contact the staff member in charge of the coursework activity (e.g. lab/EAA leader or module leader). Wherever possible, arrangements should be made in advance – failure to do so when the need for rearrangement was foreseeable may result in the request being refused. In some cases, it may be necessary to apply for an extension to a deadline to allow coursework to be completed.

MET Part II allowances

Part IIA

In MET Part IIA, the major project is a group activity which runs throughout the year. A candidate may receive an allowance for absences totalling over two weeks, but an allowance will not normally be made for more than four weeks absence or where more than one submission is involved. For other coursework assignments, which may include reports, essays and exercises, an extension of up to two weeks may be allowed.

Applications for credit for missed industrial visits or debrief sessions must be made using the MET Application form.

Application deadline: Applications for other coursework in Michaelmas and Lent Terms must be received by one week after the end of the relevant Full Term. All other applications must be received by the Wednesday of the last week of Easter Full Term.


Report deadline extension


Michaelmas and Easter term project


Yes, for absences totalling over two weeks but not for more than four weeks absence or more than one submission

Other coursework assignments

Yes, up to 2 weeks

Not normally

Part IIB

MET Part IIB is organised on a modular basis and thus even a comparatively short absence through illness or injury may make it unreasonable to expect a candidate to complete a particular module assessment exercise or industrial assignment. Hence allowances may be made.

Application deadline: Applications for coursework in Michaelmas and Lent Terms must be received by one week after the end of the relevant Full Term. All other applications must be received by the Wednesday of the last week of Easter Full Term.


Deadline extension


Module assessment exercises and industrial assignments.


Yes, for absences which make it unreasonable to expect candidates to complete a particular exercise or assignment


Turnitin text-matching software: information


The University subscribes to Turnitin UK software which is widely used in UK universities and matches text in work submitted to the software to that in a large database of online sources. 

You are asked to read the following information thoroughly and then sign the consent form to show that you are willing for your work being submitted to Turnitin UK as described in this guidance.  Without your written consent the Department cannot submit your work to the software. 

You are reminded that Turnitin is only one method of checking the originality of your work.  Examiners may initiate the standard investigative procedures if they have unresolved queries about the originality of your work, regardless of whether Turnitin has been used or whether it has substantiated any concerns.

The University Advocate may decide to prosecute a student suspected of plagiarism, or collusion to plagiarise (this includes allowing another student to copy your work), even where that student has not consented to the use of Turnitin.  In such circumstances the student may be specifically asked by the Advocate to consent to submission to Turnitin and a failure to consent will be proved as part of the evidence against him or her.

Plagiarism and good academic practice: your responsibilities

You should ensure that you are familiar with the discipline-specific guidance about referencing conventions and good academic practice which is issued by the Faculty of Engineering.  If, after reading this guidance, you have any outstanding queries, you should seek clarification at the earliest opportunity from your Director of Studies or supervisor.

You should also familiarise yourself with the statement on plagiarism posted on the University's plagiarism website, www.cam.ac.uk/plagiarism, which also features links to useful resources and guidance.

About Turnitin UK text-matching software

Who controls the service?

Turnitin UK is part of the JISC Plagiarism Advisory Service (JISCPAS).  This University is the recognised data controller for the data held and processed by, or on behalf of, the service.  An American company, iParadigms, is the data processor.

How does Turnitin UK work?

Turnitin UK may detect direct plagiarism, paraphrasing and collusion as submitted work is compared with a vast database of online material and with a ‘private’ database of previous submissions.  Therefore, submitting work to the database helps to protect it from future attempts to plagiarise it, and helps to maintain the integrity of the University’s qualifications.

The software makes no judgement about whether a student has plagiarised, it simply shows the percentage of the submission that matches other sources and produces an originality report which highlights the text matches and, where possible, displays the matching text and its immediate context.

In many cases the software highlights correctly cited references or ‘innocent’ matches.  Therefore, examiners will carefully review all originality reports to determine whether the work does contain plagiarism.

How will Turnitin UK be used in the Department of Engineering?

Work submitted for assessment in the Department of Engineering will be subjected to spot checks from time to time, or in cases where there is cause for concern. Students should note that, upon screening work, the resulting originality reports will be referred only to the examiners responsible for the academic assessment of the work if there is prima facie evidence of plagiarism or poor academic practice. Work must be submitted electronically.

What will happen if matches are identified between my work and another source?

If Turnitin UK detects matches between your work and another source, the examiners will review the resulting originality report to judge whether the matches are innocent, or whether you have appropriately referenced these matches (if not, this may constitute plagiarism), and/or whether you have made excessive use of material from other sources (which may be poor academic practice).

The examiners will mark your work purely on the basis of its academic merit.  However, depending on the extent and context of the matches, your work may be referred to the proctors for further investigation.  In such cases the Turnitin UK originality report may be used as evidence.  If you are found to have plagiarised the penalty may be severe and your degree may be withheld. 

Will Turnitin UK affect my intellectual property rights or copyright?

The copyright and intellectual property rights of the submitted material remain wholly with the original owner (normally the student, with the exception of some collaborative or sponsored research projects).  However, you are asked to permit Turnitin UK to:

  • reproduce your work to assess it for originality;
  • retain a copy of your work for comparison at a later date with future submissions.

Will my personal data be retained by Turnitin UK?

Material submitted to Turnitin UK will be identified by your examination number, course details and institution: personal data will not be used. 

What will happen if text submitted by another student matches that in my work?

Matches to text submitted from other HE institutions

If a report generated by another institution identifies a match to your work the report will only show the extent of the match and the contact details of the University’s Turnitin UK Administrator.  If approached, the Turnitin UK Administrator will attempt to contact you about the matter.  The contents of your work will not be revealed to a third party outside Cambridge without your permission.

Matches to text submitted from within the University

If a match is found to material submitted from within the University, the examiners can obtain the full text without approaching you. 

How do I apply for my work to be removed from Turnitin UK?

Work submitted to Turnitin UK will be stored indefinitely on the Turnitin UK database unless you specifically request that it be removed.  To maximise the effectiveness of the software it is hoped that such requests will be kept to a minimum.  However, once examinations have been concluded, you may at any time contact the CUED Turnitin Co-ordinator to request that your work be removed.

Inclusive teaching

The Equality Act (2010) requires higher education institutions to take positive steps to make their education accessible to disabled students and to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to provision to ensure that disabled students are not disadvantaged. Disabilities may include physical or mental impairments: the majority of these students have specific learning difficulty (SpLD) in the form of dyslexia. Cambridge University Disability Resource Centre has some standard recommendations for appropriate academic support for such students. Further provision may be required in particular cases.

In an organisation of our size and complexity, individual variations in provision are potentially disruptive. However, many of the suggested adjustments are just good educational practice, so represent things we should be doing anyway as a Department that takes pride in the excellence of its teaching. Indeed, we already follow many of the recommendations (e.g. provision of cribs). The approach we have adopted is therefore to aim to have inclusive standard procedures for all teaching activities. Students are expected to make use of available resources to suit their needs, and to contact staff themselves (e.g. lecturers, lab leaders) if additional material is required.

The syllabus pages will give you lecturer details for part IA and part IB lecturers.  Lab leader details can be found here for IA and IB.

Contact details of part II lecturers can be found on the relevant syllabus pages.

Any enquiries should be addressed to the CUED Director of Undergraduate Education.

The following recommendations have been agreed by the Faculty Board (12 November 2012):

  • Electronic versions of handouts should be made available on-line 24h in advance of lectures or other teaching sessions (e.g. labs). [This allows students who do have special requirements to produce their own customised hard copy if they wish: e.g. single-sided; large format; non-white background].
  • Filled-in versions of notes should be made available on-line after lectures.
  • Recording lectures (audio) is often recommended to students as a learning aid. They must sign an agreement to use the recording only for their own personal study, and acknowledging IP and copyright. The agreement form can be found here, and students are asked to provide the Teaching Office with a copy. Lecturers are asked to consent to their lectures being recorded under these conditions. A list of students who have completed agreement forms can be made available on request.
  • In labs, instruction should be provided in both written and verbal form.
  • Lecturers should remember to pay attention to ‘signposting’ e.g. statement a start of each lecture of what is being covered; tracking progression throughout lecture; summary of main teaching points at end.
  • All staff should make particular effort to put new vocabulary into context and explain new concepts. It is helpful to provide some repetition.

In 2016-2017, the department is trialing a lecture capture system for IA and IB. More information will be added to this guide in due course.

Arthur Shercliff Travel Scholarship

Arthur Shercliff Travel Scholarship 2017


The Arthur Shercliff Memorial Trust, which was established to promote technical visits abroad by undergraduates and graduate students, offers two scholarships, valued at £1,400 each, one to be awarded in each of the Engineering Departments of Cambridge University and Warwick University.

The origin of the Trust

Arthur Shercliff studied Engineering at Cambridge, and became the founding Professor and Head of Engineering at Warwick University in 1964. He returned to Cambridge as the ICI Hopkinson Chair of Applied Thermodynamics in 1980 and became Head of Department for a brief period before his death from cancer in December 1983.

Arthur had always particularly valued the year he spent studying at Harvard after his first degree. This prompted his family, friends and colleagues to establish the Arthur Shercliff Memorial Trust in 1984, to support technical visits abroad that enable students to enhance their international awareness of engineering in an applied context.

The current Cambridge Trustees are:

  • Professor David Cardwell (Head of Department)
  • Prof Matthew Juniper (CUED staff member and Fellow of Trinity, Arthur Shercliff's Cambridge College)
  • Dr. Hugh Shercliff (CUED staff member, and Arthur’s son).

Application process

The award is open to current undergraduate and postgraduate students in Engineering at the University of Cambridge and the University of Warwick. The Trustees may elect to share the scholarship between more than one applicant.

Applications are particularly encouraged for technical visits relating to any aspect of sustainable development, including energy and environmental impact.  However, all high quality applications will be considered.

Applications from student members of CUED should be made to the Head of Department by Friday 17 February 2017. These should consist of:

  • an application form;
  • a one-page proposal and budget for a technical visit, including the details requested on the application form;
  • a sealed reference from an academic staff member (or this may be sent directly to the Head of Department; email acceptable).

A short-list of applicants will be called for interview and awards will be announced by Friday 17 March 2017.

Previous Cambridge awards


Student (College)



Samad Arshad (C)


Tamanna Rahman (W)

Voluntary engineering work in Tanzania with the University Society Team Cambridge Development initiative

Researching sustainable techniques to improve electricity generation and transmission from hydropower systems in rural Uganda



Samantha Passmore (C)


Research determining the value of education in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in Honduras 


Team 1. Matthew Shanahan, Richard Freeman, Theo Saville, Rupert Barnard, Verity Armstrong, Jack Fairweather, Stuart Snow (W)



Team2. Alex Hope, Jonny May, Sam Butterworth, Sam Cater, Laura Sparks, Fiona Thomson, Richard Gold, Roxy Fisher (W)

Warwick Human Powered Submarine – entry to world class ISR submarine races at the US naval base, Maryland, Washington DC, USA.





Researching sustainable techniques to improve electricity generation and transmission from hydropower systems in rural Uganda.




Jonathan Waller (C)

Yue Wang (W)

EcoHouse placement in Brazil 

Technical Visit to IGCC Power Plant and Poly-generation Projects in China


Jieyong Luo (C)

Bella Nguyen (C)

Technical visit to China Southern Power Grid

Research - slum developments on Quito, Ecuador


Miss Carrie Eller, Tom Feldman, Jenny Wai and Edward Stiven (W) Sustainable rural electrification - Kemgesi, Tanzania


Miss Jenny Ye Ha (C)

Technical visit to the USA on Energy Efficiency Finance


(W) David Watkins; Man Chan; Richard Churchill-Davis; Ben Cowling; Jon Ikin; Chi Lai; Tom Oliphant; Amin Oskrochi & Anna Scura

Electric Vehicle Grand Prix – Indiana, USA. The evGrandPrix is an annual international event organised by Purdue University when students compete to design, build and race electric vehicles. Warwick students will be entering their modified racing kart. The project demands a high standard of engineering and will enable the students to develop skills such as team work, project management, budgetary control, industrial engagement and the ability to write a technical report, as well as get involved in the future of motorsport and help develop the next generation of engineers


(W) Ian Allen; Alex Bending; Sarah Chen; Chris Davies; Hannah Rowland & Johannes Windelen

Optimisation of existing micro hydro power schemes in the Rwenzori District of Uganda. Two main objectives are, to optimise upon previous year’s schemes and to install a second micro hydro generator at Behondo to increase and improve the network to include a local school and hospital.


Miss Irene Dedoussi (C)

Participation in a 10 week summer placement at the German Aerospace Centre in Berlin


Mr Jeffrey Clark (W)

Coral Farming in Fiji project which concerns works for the Climate Change Adaptation Programme


Mr Salman Bham (C)

To participate in the Engineering World Health Summer Institute programme in Tanzania


Ms Jia Yang (W)

1-week visit to The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy System in Germany


Mr Emmanuel Akinluyi (CHR)

Costa Rica, the Engineering World Health 'Summer Institute' repair and design experience.


Ms Lucy Fielding (JE)

World Solar Challenge in Australia


Ms Hannah McMillan (G)

World Solar Challenge in Australia


Ms Amparo Flores (JN)

Mongolia,sustainability of Innovative Dry Wastewater System at the Erdos Eco-Town Project.


Mr David Delamore (JN)

Beijing, China


Mr Stephen Jones (R)

Reinforcement of Adobe Housing to Improve Earthquake Resistance in El Salvador


Mr Laurie Smith (G)

Mott Macdonald, India


Mr Ian Ball (CL)

An evaluation of local NGO water and sanitation provision in the wake of a disaster


Ms Jo Reeve (EM)

To help build a school and sanitation block in Ghana


Andrew Lamb (PEM)

To undertake four-week ‘Development from the Inside’ course. (Andrew Lamb was director of ‘Engineers without Borders’ )


Naomi Romijin (PET)

Volunteer work in Bangladesh, Centre for the rehabilitation of the paralysed (CRP), prior to PhD in medical engineering


Lisa P L Lim

Technical visit to the USA


Yunus Sajad Hussein (Q)

Charitable/organisational work based in Gujarat, India


Yuen Yoong Leong (Q)

2-week technical study tour to China


Judith Elliman (G)

Charitable project in Belize: construction of a research centre in the Belize rainforest


Elizabeth Darley (CHU) and Katherine Laver (G)

Expedition to Ghana - Raleigh International - Engineering with limited resources


John Martin (SID)

Central & South America - relief & development work


Aimee Morgans (PET)

Expedition, Pump Aid, Zimbabwe


Riana Gibney (DOW)

Audi AG, Stuttgart, Germany


Pippa Smith (CAI)

Zimbabwe, aid project


Yijiang Li (CHU)

Shanghai Cables Ltd, China


Patric Bravery (CAI)

Timber Research Institute, Norway


Ulrike Wegst (N)

Europe, biomechanics conferences


PJL Fernandes (HH)

China, conference


Toby Wilson (SID)

Malawi, Africa


Rachel Stevenson (N)

Sarek Nat Park, Sweden


Robin Morris (T)

San Remo, Italy


Richard Clark (EM)

Germany, Industrial Experience


Piran Mazaheri (DOW)

Pall Corporation, USA


Neil Cox (CL)

Owen Falls, Uganda


Yvonne Toole (CL)

USA Visit


Lucy Maunsell (CL)

China Visit


TMG Edwards (CL)

Kenya - water supply


Veronica Symons (ED)

Conference in India


Timothy Summers (CTH)

NEI-APE in Delhi


Raimund J Ober (G)

Symposium at Phoenix, Arizona


Stephen Jeffels (R)

Telecom Australia in Brisbane


Michael Ferris (CHU)

Symposium at MIT


Prizes, Scholarships and Awards

There are a large number of Prizes, Scholarships and Awards available: some are awarded for excellent performance on the course, others are open competitions (in particular, note the Head of Department's Annual Design Competition).  Details of all prizes and awards are on the CUED Prizes and Scholarships webpage.

Head of Department’s Annual Design Competition

Prizes are offered for original engineering designs submitted by undergraduates on, or by, Friday 20 May 2016 to the Head of Department’s Secretary. “Engineering” will be interpreted in the widest sense, but designs arising out of departmental coursework will not be eligible, nor will designs undertaken as coursework or submitted for examination purposes elsewhere.

Designs may be submitted as drawings, models, specifications or other descriptions and should be accompanied by a short (4-6 pages A4 typed) technical report (prepared for submission to “management”) in support of the proposal.

Designs may be completely original, or may be proposed solutions to a problem set by the judges which will be published in the DPO at the beginning of the Lent term. Up to three prizes will be awarded depending on the number and quality of the entries. The first prize is of value £150.

Fast feedback facility

The fast feedback facility can be used to send rapid messages to warn teaching staff of problems as they arise (or to complement teaching staff on a job well done).  These messages are automatically anonymised (email addresses are hidden).  In order for the system to work, it is necessary to specify the general topic area of each feedback comment using the menus at the top of the comment window.  Note that all fast feedback traffic is monitored (before anonymisation) by the Director of Undergraduate Education in the Teaching Office.

To use the fast feedback facility for a machine in the DPO either (i) type "feedback" at the teaching system prompt, or (ii) click on the "fast feedback" icon on the desktop. To access the facility from elsewhere: click on the "fast feedback" link on the CUED local web page, which takes you to http://www.eng.cam.ac.uk/teaching/apps/FFF/.  If you have any problems with the fast feedback facility please contact the Director of Undergraduate Education.

Last updated on 23/09/2016 11:54